Anna Kournikova 1 (10x8) Excellent Signature - I nearly forgot she played Tennis!
Date: 2003-04-30
Views: 247898
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Exactly, games like COD which try to be realistic are aywals crap because the physics engine goes out of date in a year, does elevating on COD look realistic?Halo 3 can get away with this by being a sci-fi game, also gameplay is generally better and more enjoyable.
Posted by Eider (guest) on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 11:04:23 +0000
Forget the sour grapes whinnig Sony fans are posting their grievances. This game? soooo much fun. It 's like Halo Halo fans want to experience it. Beautiful, fun and perfect location. After playing all night and play again and again. So many ways to approach each level. multiplayer options that you've ever seen anything blow away. Worth the wait, worth every pennny. A + + + game.
Posted by Majid (guest) on Wed, 08 Aug 2012 06:44:08 +0000
Those are breathtaking! The one in the edge of the water WOW! And I love that she has a bnaadid on her heel. Also, my favorite part of the shot where they're in the grass is the little bit of dirt on his foot. Classic! Perfect details.
Posted by Adrian (guest) on Mon, 06 Aug 2012 08:23:20 +0000
Exactly, games like COD which try to be realistic are aywals crap because the physics engine goes out of date in a year, does elevating on COD look realistic?Halo 3 can get away with this by being a sci-fi game, also gameplay is generally better and more enjoyable.
Posted by Eider (guest) on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 11:04:23 +0000